Vitamins and minerals are essential to help the body perform and function properly. Lack of any vitamin can lead to complications, which no one wants. But sometimes, it gets difficult to ensure that all necessary vitamins are included in the diet. Are you also facing the same problem? Don't worry!
Vitamin supplements can help you!
The discovery of Vitamin was a significant scientific breakthrough in the medicinal department. It enabled us to explore the hidden realm of bodily functions and to learn more about the causes of numerous disorders.
These days, people are now more self-conscious about their health, increasing the demand for vitamin supplements. Usually, these supplements come in the form of tablets, capsules, and powder, but now you can also find vitamin mouth dissolving strips - making the consumption easier.
Vitamin supplements, like Vitamin A , Vitamin C, Vitamin B complex, etc., are some of the options to fulfill the body's daily needs. Why do we need them? Are vitamin supplements safe for daily consumption? Let's explore!
Why Do We Need Vitamins?
Vitamins play a significant role in our body's normal functioning of organs and improving natural defense mechanisms. Each Vitamin has a different job in our body. For example, Vitamin A and Vitamin E help resolve any issues related to the eyes, and Vitamin B complex for hair care and growth.
It's a well-known fact that food, particularly vegetables and fruits, contain a wealth of nutrients, but can we meet all of our body's nutritional needs solely through eating? The straightforward answer to this question is a big NO.
The vast majority of people cannot get a diet that contains green and leafy vegetables or various fruits that are good sources of vitamins. It is the primary reason people miss out on critical nutrients. And as long as we continue along with this unhealthy diet plan, we will continue to be vulnerable to various complications, like cancer, stroke, and heart diseases.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an adult should regularly eat two to three cups of vegetables and one to two cups of fruits. However, according to a poll conducted in the United States, about 95% of adults do not consume enough vegetables and fruits.
So the primary question is, "How can you fulfill your body's daily needs?"
Well, you can choose a reputable and certified brand's vitamin supplement that contains top-quality, natural ingredients and is safe for daily usage.
Are The Vitamins In Supplements Different From Those In Foods?
All the vitamins present in the supplements are usually synthetic; however, synthetic does not imply that they are less efficient than the original ones. It's simply a concentrated form of vitamins that provides the same benefits as vitamins found in natural foods.
Our body can absorb both natural and synthetic forms of vitamins, and therefore, you don't necessarily need to worry about the effectiveness and benefits of vitamin supplements.
The one exception, in this case, is Vitamin E which is better absorbed in its natural form. But the good news is that most vitamin supplements contain Vitamin E in their natural form, which is all-rac-alpha-tocopherol. Therefore, the body can easily absorb Vitamin E present in supplements.
Approximately 13 recognized vitamins in the supplements are present in the same form as natural food:
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin K
Vitamin E
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B3
Vitamin B2
Vitamin A
Vitamin B1
What Is Driving The Vitamin Supplements Market?
The growing awareness of one's health is the primary factor in the increasing global demand for vitamin supplements. Vitamin supplements have always been a part of the doctor's prescription for dealing with the lack of essential nutrients because of an unhealthy diet, during pregnancy, or severe illness. Regular eating, even a nutrient-dense diet, will never be able to compensate for the nutritional loss.
However, vitamin supplements are no longer limited to patients and pregnant women. Even healthy people who eat a well-balanced diet can consider vitamin supplements every day after consulting with their doctor. This trend accelerated the expansion of the vitamin supplements market.
However, this does not imply that one should directly purchase vitamin supplements and include them in their daily diet. It is necessary to consult a doctor before taking them since the type of vitamin supplement you take depends on your current health condition and nutrition level.
How COVID-19 Boosted The Demand For Vitamin Supplements?
Vitamin supplements are not new to the market; they have been a part of many people's daily routines for quite some time. However, the COVID-19 and increased health consciousness have brought vitamin supplements to the forefront.
As a result, in addition to taking Vitamin B complex for hair or Vitamin E for eyes, people began to incorporate multivitamin supplements in their diet to boost their immunity, regardless of how healthy they were. That’s why, since March 2020, the vitamin supplement market has witnessed a growth of 20% to 140%.
Another report shows that the global market for vitamin supplements is expected to grow from $18.24 in 2021 to $19.98 in 2022 at a CAGR of 9.5 percent. After fulfilling the spike in demand for vitamin supplements during COVID-19, companies started to stabilize their output, but the growth won't stop. And it is estimated that the vitamin supplement market will reach up to $27.33 billion by 2026.
The demand for vitamin supplements grew exponentially during the pandemic. People searching for the directions to use such supplements have also increased. For example, individuals consuming Vitamin B Complex supplements would search for "Vitamin B complex how many tablets per day."
However, it can be problematic as consuming any tablets or capsules just because you want to boost your body with vitamins without any doctor’s prescription can lead to adverse effects. Secondly, even if the supplement is good to go, not all the suggestions provided on the internet are reliable. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor before consuming any dietary supplement and follow the instructions only from credible sources.
Some doctors themselves recommend consuming 100 mg of Vitamin B complex per day. So, you can check the supplement's label and then use it accordingly. There is also an excellent alternative to tablets, i.e Vitamin B complex strips, which can be consumed quickly without water and have no side effects.
Vitamin supplements are an easy way to complete your body with the required nutrients. Whether your body is not properly absorbing nutrients from food due to illness or your daily nutrition demands have increased due to pregnancy, vitamin supplements are an ideal option for you.
Also, a healthy person can make vitamin supplements a part of his daily meal to avoid any possible nutrition deficiency in the future and also to keep the immune system in check. However, that does not mean you should not ask for recommendations from your doctor.
If you are looking for some high-quality and easy-to-digest dietary supplements to fulfill the requirements for vitamins in your body, BonAyu can be a great option. We offer vitamin supplements in strips form to make it easier for you to consume them. All you need to do is just place the strips on your tongue and let them melt away. This process also makes it easier for the body to absorb all the necessary vitamins. These strips come in pocket-friendly packaging so that you can carry them anywhere and consume them anytime you want.

1. What foods is vitamin B12 in?
Foods that are rich in vitamin B12 include animal liver and kidney,tuna fish,salmon,eggs and milk. Besides animal products, fruits like oranges,apples,and bananas contain high amounts of vitamin B12. Fortified cereals serve as a good alternative for vegans and vegetarian people.
2. What are 10 minerals in food?
Minerals are termed as those elements that are very essential for the proper development and functioning of the body. Foods contain many such minerals which are magnesium, zinc, iron, sodium, chloride, iodine, chromium, copper, fluoride, molybdenum, and selenium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium.
3. Which food has vitamins and minerals?
There are many foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals. These are essential for the proper growth and functioning of the body. Vitamin and mineral rich foods are milk and dairy products like curd,cheese,butter. Cereals,nuts are also rich sources of vitamins and minerals. Beside this, all types of green vegetables are storehouses of vitamins and minerals.
4.What foods have vitamin A in them?
Vitamin-A is responsible for the production and activity of white blood cells,helps in bone remodelling and regulation of cell growth and division. Green-leafy vegetables such as Kale,Spinach,Broccoli have a very high Vitamin-A content in them. Besides that, carrots,sweet potatoes,pumpkin etc are also Vitamin-A rich vegetables. Others include tomatoes,fish oils,eggs and fortified foods.
5.Benefits of dietary supplements
Dietary supplements are products that are rich in vitamins,minerals,herbal ingredients,amino acids and enzymes. They are commonly sold in various tablets,powder,capsules and liquids.
Dietary supplements make up for the deficiency of the essential vitamins and minerals that we may not be taking in our diet for the overall health of our body.
Some benefits of dietary supplements are as follows:-
- Maintain overall health and well-being
- Supports mental health and psychological factors
- Supports immune system